
The mission of the Story City Greater Chamber Connection is to serve as a catalyst for plans, strategies, programs, and services that promote growth in our historic downtown district and surrounding businesses resulting in the best community in which to live, work, and do business.


As a volunteer organization, the Story City Greater Chamber Connection offers quality events that highlight the assets of the community and enhance the quality of life for its residents and visitors. Distinguishing characteristics include Story City’s historic downtown district, the 1913 antique carousel, and the 1936 swinging bridge. These unique features are incorporated into special gatherings and traditions to give families and friends of all ages an opportunity to enjoy the best of small-town life.

With a strong economy and preservation ethic, Story City continues to be a progressive and vibrant community drawing on the resources available as an accredited Main Street Iowa Community. The Story City GCC promotes and encourages - with the aid of its partners - a quality mix of retailers, restaurants, service businesses, and industry to provide for the community and complement the exceptional school system, welcoming churches, dynamic employment market, beautiful surroundings, and diverse recreational opportunities.

The Story City GCC assists with the management of growth and opportunity while serving as the communications hub for area activities. The entire community will continue to share in a sense of accomplishment and well-being knowing that Story City is a better place to live, work, and do business. The Story City GCC invites everyone to come see what we’re all about.

Our 4-Point Approach

The Story City GCC follows the National Main Street Center’s 4-point approach for downtown revitalization in a community-wide effort, remembering that the heart of our community lies in the downtown.

The four key committees under the GCC Board of Directors are Promotion, Organization, Economic Vitality, and Design (see below).

In addition, the GCC manages Story City's historic Antique Carousel, owns and operates the venerable Charlson Building, and collaborates on the Scandinavian Days festival.

Economic Vitality

Identifies opportunities for the commercial district, finds new uses for vacant buildings & stimulates property investment.

EV Projects

Business Networking Events

Golf Outing & Social

Fabulous Friday Merchant Coffees

Yulefest Shop Small Saturday


Promotes Story City as a place of commerce, culture & community life for residents and visitors alike.

Promotion Events

Art in the Park

Downtown Trick or Treat with Touch-a-Truck

Easter Bunny Trail

Progressive Dinner

Yulefest Tree Lighting


Shapes the image of Story City via public art, beautification, way-finding, partnership appreciation & historic preservation.

Design Opportunities

Architectural Scavenger Hunt

Boulevard Signs

Public Art Projects

Way-Finding Signs

Window Design Contests


Builds strong, broad-based public and private support for the commercial district & revitalization initiative.

Org Opportunities

Duck Race & Broad Street BBQ

Partnership Drive & Directory

Shanon McKinley

Executive Director

Marian Olive (Norsemen Realty Team): President

Veronica Moore (Story City Municipal Electric): Vice President

Denise Froehlich (Wolfe Family Vision Center): Secretary

John Koppes (Crucial I.T. Solutions): Treasurer

Paula Brown (First Interstate Bank): Organization Chair

Connie Phillips (the Tin Chandelier): Design Chair

Rick Schreier (Reliance State Bank): Economic Vitality Chair

Sherri Keigan (Cyclone Awards & Engraving): At-Large Member

Austin Mortvedt (Bethany Life): At-Large Member

Al Holm (Retired Key Co-Op): Historical Society Representative

Lucas Wuebker (Roland-Story Senior): High School Representative

Tristan Peterson (Roland-Story Junior): High School Representative